Update: 2.0.15 has been rolled out to 100% of visitors.
An upcoming frontend version release (2.0.15) will be released shortly. A changelog will be made available after its release. It primarily focusses on accessibility, including the highly requested capability of selecting text throughout the site.
Not being able to select text was a design choice picked for an improved UI and cleaner feel; however, this appears to be hindering the user experience. Features like copy, screen reading, translate, and other accessibility features are not available when text is not selectable across the site. 2.0.15 will add the capability to select text.
Quick note: Not everyone sees the same version of ActorAgeCheck at all times. You can check the version of ActorAgeCheck you’re running by reviewing the x-aac-frontend-version header, which will return your current frontend version. Frontend updates are rolled out over time, so you’ll see the newer versions eventually.